

Online marketing & A new viewpoint of working

Digital media makes changes in the marketing world and disrupts the old school marketing.

Back to ten years ago, when I worked at Ogilvy, one day in the evening, my ex-boss and I discussed the future of offline marketing. Would it be existed in the next 3-5 years, or would it be disappeared from the marketing’s world? We talked because we compared it with online marketing which was a trendy word by that time. Finally, we summarized that digital would disrupt ways of our communication, and it surely would not be easy for the marketers and communicators like us to communicate the brand to our target market.

Nowadays, since consumers can generate contents, and they have ways to express themselves through various social media platforms, the world of communication is identified that it is more complicated than it used to be. Of course, undoubtedly offline has been replaced by online since everything is on our palm and a cost of internet is low. Today, we cannot control our consumers anymore, but they control us instead of choosing to receive or ignore our communication. We are in a cage now.
The situation changes!
A question is how we can cope with this situation as we are a marketer who has to build the brand. And we have to talk to them who have set themselves as media.
Not difficult! We must change our look at them, change them from a consumer to be a brand promoter. We must open our eyes at all time what they are interested, what we can engage with them, and importantly what we can utilize them to promote our brand. It would be my recommendation.
Don’t be afraid to engage them and think of them as a channel or media for promoting our brand.